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Product details
File Size: 1190 KB
Print Length: 252 pages
Publisher: Touchstone; 1 edition (May 8, 2010)
Publication Date: May 11, 2010
Sold by: Simon and Schuster Digital Sales Inc
Language: English
ASIN: B003L77W00
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,276,469 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Headache and Your Child is "just what the doctor ordered."In searching for information on abdominal migraines I kept coming across the name, Dr. Seymour Diamond. This book has helped us understand migraines and their causes as well as inform us about current treatment options that are available, everything from medication to biofeedback. Through the use of case studies, Dr. Diamond discusses up-to-date diagnostic tools and treatments. He reassures parents that while there are sometimes very serious underlying conditions, not every headache is an indicator of a brain tumor.I highly recommend this as a "must have" book for the parent of any child that suffers from headaches, not just migraines. It can help in identifying the type of headache your child experiences and offer suggestions of appropriate treatments. If your child has already been diagnosed with migraines, it is still a wonderful reference book.
I literally just completed an inpatient treatment program provided by the Diamond Headache Clinic in Chicago. They were very helpful in reducing the severity of my 21+ year daily chronic headache/migraine. This clinic was founded by Dr. Seymour Diamond. My son also suffers from bad migraines. Most neurologists have been hesitant to treat him because if his age. The Diamond Headache Clinic work with children without hesitation. The doctors here and this book have a wealth of information. I am anxious to apply some of the things I learned there, such as biofeedback and low tyramine diet, with my son.
Dr, Diamond has put together a book full good information relating to childhood headaches. It seems the book is targeted at other Doctors as much as it is for parents. Overall this book was helpful in learning about my daughters migrains but the diary section at the end was a little hard to use. Through my research to help my daughters I found a book that works great and is simple for parent and child to use. The title is "The Headache Detective" by John Ricker. It's a headache workbook designed for children that is easy to follow. It is prabably a little more helpful pinpointing what is causing your child's headache than Dr Diamond's book. Both books were helpfull
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